I hope you enjoy browsing our new website.
I have tried to be as informative as I can on the range of advanced facial skincare and rejuvenating medical aesthetic treatments as I can – hopefully easy to read and jargon free.
The aim of this blog is to discuss your skincare concerns, treatment and home skincare product options to help restore , revive and rejuvenate you.
Would you like tips or advice on acne – whether teenage or adult acne, pigmentation (age / liver spots), open pores, blackheads, wrinkles, facial redness, rosacea, sagging skin, jowls, wrinkly hands, sun damaged wrinkled chest, thin lips, hooked nose, heavy eyelids, dark under eye shadows, deep set or hollow eyes …………………….
We can help you with digestive issues like IBS, constipation, bloating, wind, food intolerance testing, acupuncture (for muscular aches and pains, stopping smoking, weight loss, addictions, fertility, headaches, Bell’s Palsy, facial revitalisation, firming and toning) ……………………………..the list could go on but you get the idea.
Comments, questions and feedback are welcome too – what would you like help with or advise on?